Mildmay Uganda has since evolved into a Center of Excellence for HIV care and palliative care; a diploma awarding institution of higher learning specializing in health sciences and accredited by National Council of Higher Education (NCHE); and a Research Centre accredited by Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST). Like our health services, the products of our training, education and research arms are already creating impact nationally and in the East African Community.

Mildmay Uganda continues to contribute significantly towards ending the HIV Epidemic as stipulated in 5-point plan for Ending HIV by 2030. In 1998, Mildmay Uganda opened its gates to public for comprehensive HIV care with just over 3000 children waiting for the life-saving drugs through PEPFAR in 2004. Today, Mildmay Uganda supports care for over 100,000 (13% of the total number of clients on ART in the country) clients 7,000 of them children.

We have continued to champion HIV prevention using a family center and targeted multilayered behavioral change (in line with societal values) and treatment interventions. Through the DREAMS initiative over 40,000 AGYW (10 -24) in high risk groups for HIV have been empowered to remain HIV negative.

Mildmay Uganda continues to offer targeted HIV Testing and Counseling services to key and priority populations to ensure attainment of the 90 90 90 goals and effective linkage and treatment. With adoption of the Test and Start approaches, 98% of adults & adolescents and 100% children <15 yrs have been enrolled on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). 95% of adults PLHIV and 100% children in 15 districts are on ART and have registered average viral suppression rate of 92%.

Since 2014, Mildmay Uganda has maintained a 0% new infections among children born to HIV mothers (0 and also supported districts we partner with to attain a reduced EMTCT rate to average 3% (from >19%) in 2012.

We continue to register significant success in promoting male involvement more especially in accessing HIV care services through our eMTCT program, male networks at male dominated workplaces like building sites, & bodaboda stages to support male testing; Encouraging male leaders in the community to sensitise men in their communities to go for testing; strategically placing male nurses in antenatal clinic to attract men into care; prioritizing couple counseling and giving results on the same day as well as targeting key populations, and promoting male champions.

We continue to support health facilities in targeted districts to improve availability of essential medicines and commodities. This includes staff training and mentorships to improve forecasting, quantification, timely ordering and prescription of medicines and commodities. The number of supported sites reporting stock outs of essential medicines and commodities have reduced over time. This has contributed to the great performance in the pharmaceutical sector with an improvement in availability of and access to Essential Medicines and Health Supplies (EMHS) from 43% in 2009/2010 to 63.8% in 2014/2015 reported in the Health Sector Strategic Plan (2015/2016-2019/2020.

Our Laboratory serves as a backup system for the Central Public Health Laboratories in viral load testing, and data. We have supported functionality of 14 laboratory hubs through our laboratory strengthening interventions with all hubs enrolled in Strengthening Laboratory Management towards Accreditation (SLMTA). 10 hubs have attained improved STAR rating score 2-4. Since 2010 to 2015, over 223 facility laboratories have been given technical support, 49 high-volume facilities have been equipped with laboratory investigative capacity (CD4, clinical chemistries, full blood count).

To strategically move our vision of equipping or communities to effectively respond to National Health priorities, our 30 years master plan will enable us provide quality health care through standard and professional service teams as we partner with government to attain Vision 2040 agenda of providing quality health care to the people of Uganda.